Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas 2013 in picture form



Fur sister.


I can't wait until you're in these photos too, jelly bean.

Love, J x.

Ideas for baby's room

As you can probably see we love white and green. We want to keep things fresh, vibrant and welcoming. I hope that by the time we start piecing things together that it looks as good as it does in my mind.

Purchases that still need to be made.

1. Everything Medela. We need bottles, teats, storage bags, bottle warmers, etc etc etc. Thankfully we ordered the Medela mini electric starter kit today, so that's one thing ticked off our Medela list!

2. Sundvik cot from Ikea. I can't wait to set this baby up.

3. Koppang chest of 3 drawers from Ikea (yes we like Ikea a lot okay.)

4. Steelcraft strider compact stroller. I'm beyond overwhelmed by strollers, I have no idea what to get/ what not to get. This stroller seems adequate though... I think.

5. Steelcraft infant carrier. It matches the stroller so I get this one, right?


Sunday, December 8, 2013

December the 8th, 2013.

I felt you kicking me not long after midnight. I was in bed trying to sleep because I was upset when I first felt it. Kick kick kick. It felt more like a tap, really.

You already know how to cheer me up and I'm so grateful for you.

Love, mum.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Get to know me: my pregnancy/ parenting plans so far!

Smoking/ drinking during pregnancy:
I’m not a smoker and I rarely drank prior to pregnancy so I won’t be doing either now. I know a lot of  women enjoy an occasion glass of alcohol here and there in their pregnancy but I will not be doing that.

Eating “no no foods”:
I have eaten foods that I know I shouldn’t of during my pregnancy. When it comes to ham and whatnot I always forget that I’m not allowed to eat it unless it’s heated. It always slips my mind but I’m working on it. As for everything else, I try and stay away as much as I can.

Bottle or breast:
I plan to breastfeed on demand with my baby. I will also use a breast pump so Kody can feed our baby as well.

Disposable or cloth diapers:
We have ordered 18 Charlie Banana cloth diapers and we plan to order 18 more. We are really hoping that they work for us. If they don’t and we have the spare cash, we will probably buy Bumgenius cloth diapers. But of course, if they don’t work out we will use disposables.

CIO method:
We will not be using the CIO method, especially for the first few months of our baby’s life. We will do our best to meet our baby’s needs, no matter how trivial they may be.

We do not plan to spank our child. We plan to discipline our child by using time outs, taking away privileges, etc. The only time I can ever see myself putting a hand on my child is to swat their hand away from something (like a hot stove) but we most definitely plan to use other forms of discipline first.

Although Kody prefers circumcision, we have ultimately decided against it for our child unless it’s medically needed. I’m really glad Kody agreed with me on this.

Used/ brand new things:
When I found out I was pregnant I told Kody that the only way I was going to do this is if we were 100% able to give our child the best of everything emotionally, physically, financially, etc. I want everything to be up to date and as safe as can be. Both of our families have challenged us on this and try to force second hand things on us and it annoys me to no end. Of course I don’t care if anyone has used things for their baby, but I know that we can give our baby the best of everything so why shouldn’t we?

Child harnesses:
Before I got pregnant I hated seeing children strapped by harnesses because it just didn’t look right to me. However, now that I’m pregnant I would much rather my child on a harnesses than running away and possibly being hurt or kidnapped! However, Kody really doesn’t like child harnesses and would rather hold our child’s hand whenever we go out so we have decided against it for now.

If I think of any other topics I will update this or make another post entirely, but for now this is all I can think of. :)

By the way, just because I won’t be doing something or don’t personally like something doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m disagreeing with your parenting choices/ that I’m judging you/ that I dislike you/ etc. In most cases I believe that you do what’s best for your baby and no child’s needs are the same. There are a few topics that I will disagree wholeheartedly with but for the most part I will keep them to myself.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November 25th, 2013

Is when I first felt you fluttering around in my belly. It's exactly 6 months until you should be here. Perfect timing. :)

Monday, September 30, 2013

Dear little bean,
I'm currently 6 and a half weeks pregnant with you, so we're half way to the 'safe zone'. I have dreadful nausea and can't stomach the idea of 90% of food. If I even THINK about chicken or tuna I gag (like I am right now.)

Despite the whole 'I feel like I'm about to die' feeling, I'm just glad that you're still cooking. I've read enough to know that having nausea is a good sign in pregnancy so I'm really stoked that you're okay, even though I'm suffering. This week you are going to triple in size so my cramps are gonna triple in intensity, but that's okay too.

This week I've been constantly asking myself "am I really ready for this? Am I old enough? Wise enough? Responsible enough?". I really don't know the answer to any of those questions. A week ago I had it all figured out, but now it's really hit me. I remember reading something a long while ago that asked if you could care for a child right now. It had questions like "do you have things to offer the child right now? Money to support the child right now? Could you be fully prepared by tomorrow? If not, you're not ready for a child."

Judging by that, I'd have to say no, I'm not ready. I have so little to offer you right now. I wouldn't be ready to have you by tomorrow. However, I know that I will be ready for you by the time you're due. I'll have everything you'll need emotionally, physically and financially. Sure, your dad and I are both still in uni, but by the time you're due your dad will only have half a year left until he gets his degree, and I'll look after you all day until we feel that you're ready for a sitter or child care.

We might not have it all right now, but by the time you're born you'll have everything you'll ever need, I promise.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Happy one month, kid!

Hey little one! You have me crazy bloated almost everyday. For the most part you let me know that you're still there by supplying me with constant cramping and sore boobies, but lately my bloating is going down and my pains are only there every now and then. You're kind of worrying me if I'm honest. I'm really hoping that my body is just getting used to all these hormones and that you're not going anywhere. I guess I'll find out at my doctor's appointment on Friday, a day before I'll be 6 weeks pregnant with you. Please be there.

Recently your Aunty Kim came over with all of her pregnancy books. Inside one of them she has written her children's names and days of birth. She said that when you come, you can go in the book too, which meant a lot to me. I really can't wait to put you in there, kiddo.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Our Sydney trip!

Kody and I recently traveled to Sydney, Australia for his sisters wedding, and oh my god, it's so pretty there. We got to see the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge multiple times, which was insane. We stayed in the Pullman Hotel which overlooks Hyde Park, also insane. And more importantly, we got to enjoy a nice weekend away, ticking things off of our buckets lists and enjoying each others company.

Our love affair isn't over Sydney, we'll be back one day.
I feel like I've been on an emotional roller coaster for the past couple of weeks. My hormones are going crazy and I feel weird 24/7. I really love it. I consider myself lucky to be able to feel every change in my body occurring, even though most of the time I'm in pain. I really do look, feel and think differently. Everything has been put into perspective for me. I think pregnancy and I will get along just fine.

Every night Kody and I lay in bed and discuss everything baby related. We've been reading pregnancy books and researching things on the internet in order to come up with a pregnancy/ birth/ parenthood dynamic. It's really, really fun. Even though we have 2 months until we're in the "safe zone" of our pregnancy, planning what could be is warming my heart.

I hope this tadpole sticks.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Welcome to the family, kid.

Your dad and I around October, 2011
Our prom in December, 2011
At your Aunty Kim's wedding in October, 2012
And lastly, New Years Eve, 2012!

Your father is intelligent, loving and sensitive. When it comes to the people he loves, he's 100% dedicated to making their life easier, even if it means that his life will get harder. Many things come easy to him, and we're opposites in so many ways. While he's very calm, patient and handles things well, I struggle to contain my thoughts and emotions. I hate when things aren't going the way I'd like them to, as bratty as that sounds, whereas your dad accepts it and moves on. He's very strong and puts up with A LOT. He will teach you everything you need to know about the earth that we live on. He will show you how to tie your shoes and how to clip suspenders onto your pants. He will show you how easy it is to love and to be loved. He will inspire you, like he's inspired everybody else that he's ever met. He will give you hope.

I'm emotional, thoughtful and open minded. I'm always trying to find new information, create new ideas and learn new concepts. I was never very good at comprehending what a teacher was telling me, but when it comes to things that I find interesting, I can spend hours of my time researching and learning. Your father is most definitely the opposite in that respect. I can lose my cool very easy and often let the negative parts of myself dominate the positive sides. I will teach you the importance of baking cupcakes on a Sunday afternoon. I will let you identify with yourself however you please with nothing but love and support. I will let you eat dirt sometimes. I will show you that despite the constant struggle, there is nothing more important than letting positivity overcome negativity. I will give you strength. 

You're gonna be alright, kid.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

2 days + 4 days

Our holiday to Sydney is only 2 days away! I'm so excited for good vibes, good food and amazing memories. I've never been on a plane or gone on a trip without any family. I live a sheltered life, I know. It's all very exciting, I just can't put it into words. Probably because the next part of this post has my mind racing.

I think I might be pregnant.

Tonight I took a pregnancy test, waited a couple of minutes and considered it a negative. 10 minutes later I had to use the restroom again because I drank a lot of water before I took the test. Mid pee I felt the urge to check the test again. I don't even know why, it was just intuition I guess, and to my surprise there was a very, VERY faint positive.

Holy effing shit.

Seeing as Kody was admitted to hospital today for type 1 diabetes reasons (I completely forgot to mention this earlier, THAT'S how much my mind is going cray) I had to message him the news. We both agree that it's too early to be sure, and that the test hasn't really confirmed anything to us. I'm going to test again when we get back from Sydney in 4 days if my period doesn't come before then. I'm terrified of this all being a big joke. My heart is too full of happiness (and shock) to handle this being taken from me.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Monday, August 12, 2013

As adults, we try to develop the character traits that would have rescued our parents.
—  Alain de Botton
Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.
—  Alejandro Jodorowsky

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Making history

Throughout the duration of my life I've been able to see some amazing changes in history. I've seen racism reduce and continue to be fought against. I've seen homosexuality go from sinful to embraced throughout many societies. I've seen and been apart of many acts of equality, and now I'm watching women gain more and more rights everyday. This is the generation for change and for saying a big fuck you to those who stand in the way of an equal future for all.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


It's currently 2:28am and I need to get a few things off my chest (well, fingers).

A week ago today it was my 19th birthday. I had no phone calls at midnight (or none at all, for that matter), no gifts, no surprises, I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years (who I later took back) and limited people remembered it was my birthday. I saw friends who I've known for years and they didn't say a thing to me. I had my "best friend" lie to me and tell me that he got me something when he didn't. I spent a 3 hour bus from my mum's to my current house in Adelaide where I plotted my suicide. Every thought was running through my mind. Every possibility. I hadn't stopped crying since I had woken up and I sure as hell wasn't stopping while this depression had me by the shoulders. I honestly thought I was either going to end up in hospital by the end of the night, or possibly even dead. These thoughts passed once I got off the bus and saw Kody.

Kody has always been a strong light for me. I didn't know how much I depended on him until that moment. I'm not sure where our relationship is going or if he's the one that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with, but I really am very grateful to have him in my life right now. And right now is all that matters. It's too difficult to plan ahead because then I create expectations and I get extreme anxiety which makes it so easy for my depression to get to me. I don't know. Everything's difficult.

I'm not sure as to what my future holds. I thought uni wasn't for me, but after this long break I feel refreshed and like I can tackle another semester and hopefully even pass my subjects this time. Maybe I can finish uni and get a degree, it just might not be an easy path. It might take many more years than I thought. What other choice do I have than to just keep swimming? I wish things were easier. I wish I had someone to show me the way, or to encourage me or inspire me. I wish I had a family who were stable and who cared for one another. I wish I had friends that remembered and cared about me. I wish I had motivation to complete my goals. I wish I had a passion for something. Anything.

I guess I just want to know that my existence is significant and that I'm not just a disposable waste of breath.
Writing Advice: by Chuck Palahniuk
In six seconds, you’ll hate me.
But in six months, you’ll be a better writer.
From this point forward—at least for the next half year—you may not use “thought” verbs. These include: Thinks, Knows, Understands, Realizes, Believes, Wants, Remembers, Imagines, Desires, and a hundred others you love to use.
The list should also include: Loves and Hates.
And it should include: Is and Has, but we’ll get to those later.
Until some time around Christmas, you can’t write: Kenny wondered if Monica didn’t like him going out at night…”
Instead, you’ll have to Un-pack that to something like: “The
mornings after Kenny had stayed out, beyond the last bus, until he’d had to bum a ride or pay for a cab and got home to find Monica faking sleep, faking because she never slept that quiet, those mornings, she’d only put her own cup of coffee in the microwave. Never his.”
Instead of characters knowing anything, you must now present the details that allow the reader to know them. Instead of a character wanting something, you must now describe the thing so that the reader wants it.
Instead of saying: “Adam knew Gwen liked him.” You’ll have to say: “Between classes, Gwen had always leaned on his locker when he’d go to open it. She’s roll her eyes and shove off with one foot, leaving a black-heel mark on the painted metal, but she also left the smell of her perfume. The combination lock would still be warm from her butt. And the next break, Gwen would be leaned there, again.”
In short, no more short-cuts. Only specific sensory detail: action, smell, taste, sound, and feeling.
Typically, writers use these “thought” verbs at the beginning of a paragraph (In this form, you can call them “Thesis Statements” and I’ll rail against those, later). In a way, they state the intention of the paragraph. And what follows, illustrates them.
For example:
“Brenda knew she’d never make the deadline. was backed up from the bridge, past the first eight or nine exits. Her cell phone battery was dead. At home, the dogs would need to go out, or there would be a mess to clean up. Plus, she’d promised to water the plants for her neighbor…”
Do you see how the opening “thesis statement” steals the thunder of what follows? Don’t do it.
If nothing else, cut the opening sentence and place it after all the others. Better yet, transplant it and change it to: Brenda would never make the deadline.
Thinking is abstract. Knowing and believing are intangible. Your story will always be stronger if you just show the physical actions and details of your characters and allow your reader to do the thinking and knowing. And loving and hating.
Don’t tell your reader: “Lisa hated Tom.”
Instead, make your case like a lawyer in court, detail by detail.
Present each piece of evidence. For example: “During roll call, in the breath after the teacher said Tom’s name, in that moment before he could answer, right then, Lisa would whisper-shout ‘Butt Wipe,’ just as Tom was saying, ‘Here’.”
One of the most-common mistakes that beginning writers make is leaving their characters alone. Writing, you may be alone. Reading, your audience may be alone. But your character should spend very, very little time alone. Because a solitary character starts thinking or worrying or wondering.
For example: Waiting for the bus, Mark started to worry about how long the trip would take…”
A better break-down might be: “The schedule said the bus would come by at noon, but Mark’s watch said it was already 11:57. You could see all the way down the road, as far as the Mall, and not see a bus. No doubt, the driver was parked at the turn-around, the far end of the line, taking a nap. The driver was kicked back, asleep, and Mark was going to be late. Or worse, the driver was drinking, and he’d pull up drunk and charge Mark seventy-five cents for death in a fiery traffic accident…”
A character alone must lapse into fantasy or memory, but even then you can’t use “thought” verbs or any of their abstract relatives.
Oh, and you can just forget about using the verbs forget and remember.
No more transitions such as: “Wanda remembered how Nelson used to brush her hair.”
Instead: “Back in their sophomore year, Nelson used to brush her hair with smooth, long strokes of his hand.”
Again, Un-pack. Don’t take short-cuts.
Better yet, get your character with another character, fast.
Get them together and get the action started. Let their actions and words show their thoughts. You—stay out of their heads.
And while you’re avoiding “thought” verbs, be very wary about using the bland verbs “is” and “have.”
For example:
“Ann’s eyes are blue.”
“Ann has blue eyes.”
“Ann coughed and waved one hand past her face, clearing the cigarette smoke from her eyes, blue eyes, before she smiled…”
Instead of bland “is” and “has” statements, try burying your details of what a character has or is, in actions or gestures. At its most basic, this is showing your story instead of telling it.
And forever after, once you’ve learned to Un-pack your characters, you’ll hate the lazy writer who settles for: “Jim sat beside the telephone, wondering why Amanda didn’t call.”
Please. For now, hate me all you want, but don’t use thought verbs. After Christmas, go crazy, but I’d bet money you won’t.
For this month’s homework, pick through your writing and circle every “thought” verb. Then, find some way to eliminate it. Kill it by Un-packing it.
Then, pick through some published fiction and do the same thing. Be ruthless.
“Marty imagined fish, jumping in the moonlight…”
“Nancy recalled the way the wine tasted…”
“Larry knew he was a dead man…”
Find them. After that, find a way to re-write them. Make them stronger."

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

OOTD: Last friday!

I got my Black Milk leggins in the mail last week and couldn't wait to wear them out. I paired them with an Ozzy Osbourne muscle tee from Topshop, an old cropped jacket from Cotton On, a pair of brown boots from Novo, a Kardashian Kollection bag and I accessorized with a gold watch. :)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Some wisedom from Isaiah Berlin.

“The ‘positive’ sense of the word ‘liberty’ derives from the wish on the part of the individual to be his own master. I wish my life and decisions to depend on myself, not on external forces of whatever kind. I wish to be the instrument of my own, not of other men’s acts of will. I wish to be a subject, not an object; to be moved by reasons, by conscious purposes which are my own, not by causes which affect me, as it were, from outside. I wish to be somebody, not nobody; a doer - deciding, not being decided for, self-directed and not acted upon by external nature or by other men as if I were a thing, or an animal, or a slave incapable of playing a human role, that is, of conceiving goals and policies of my own and realising them.”

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Self destruction.

I'm in a rut. A self destructive rut. I wake. I watch Vampire Diaries. I take a half hour break around the 4 hour mark and eat something to get me by. I spend the next 10 hours watching Vampire Diaries. By then my brain is searching for more; Vampire Diaries no longer suffices. I start to think about things. Things start clawing at my conscience. I force myself to go to sleep to escape the thoughts. I wake. I repeat.

I'm drowning.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Part 2: an unfamiliar feeling that's just too familiar

Ever since I can remember I've been looking after my mum. I remember when she had her mental breakdown, I had just started high school. I'd tuck her into my bed beside me at night and I'd stay up for as long as I could, just to make sure that she was getting some rest. One night I realised that something was different; there was no one beside me when I woke up. Later that day I realised that she had stabbed the inside of her arm (where all the major veins meet) with a bottle opener. I blamed myself. I thought that I had failed her. I struggled for the rest of my high school years with the idea that I could of been responsible for her death as I hadn't stayed up long enough to make sure that she was asleep.

My relationship with my mum has always been strained. We've never had a mother daughter bond, or even a simple friendship. She just made shitty decisions time and time again and I was left to pick up the pieces and deal with the consequences. These experiences have shaped who I am today in such a negative way. I struggle to handle my feelings and thoughts adequately. I'm terrified of making the same mistakes as my mum and I'm terrible at coping with what happened in my childhood (or lack of).

Last year my mum and her husband got into a fight, and in result, her back was broken. She stayed with him. I kept my mouth shut and numbed myself even further. Not long afterwards my brother rang the police and informed them on everything. I watched my step father, step brother and gran be arrested for multiple offences. My mum and I were given a home from the women's shelter. My mum was ripped away from her husband and her destructive life, and once again I was left to pick up the pieces. We struggled. We fought. We starved. We survived. I finished year 12 with the best grades of my life and got into my first preference university and course. I left my hometown to start a new life with my boyfriend. I didn't mind leaving my mum in our hometown because my brother lived near by. Everything was okay for a while. Now my brother is moving up to the city near my sister and I, which leaves my mum all alone in a town full of bad memories. I feel terrible; she's becoming an old woman with nothing to show for her life. No family, no money, nothing. I've spent my entire life looking after her and I feel like I'm doing something terribly wrong now that I've broken away from that life. I worry for her mental and physical stability; she's extremely depressed, often suicidal, alone and is struggling with a broken back.

I'm terrified and it shows.

Part 1: uni dropout

I've completely given up on uni. My Philosophy essay is a week overdue and I'm yet to start, and I just went to double check that I've got a week left to do my Justice and Policy essay and found out that it was due days ago. I'm so disappointed in myself but I've just got to accept that uni isn't for everybody. Unfortunately I'm one of those people. I'm not sure if I'm even going to bother going to my Crime and Criminology exam next week. I feel so hopeless. I'm still going to do next semester; I may as well finish the year off and start a Tafe course next year. I really hope I find my feet soon.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Today I ordered myself some extensions, bought a suitcase for my Sydney trip and treated myself to a new curler. I'm exhausted!

Monday, June 10, 2013

I'm lost

I hate university. I hate it hate it hate it. I hate getting up early. I hate studying. I hate having to do before class exercising. I hate traveling to uni. I hate sitting at uni. I hate rude lecturers, tutors and students. I hate lectures, tutorials and students. I hate doing essays. I hate it all, so why do I have to do it? Why can't I just be for a little while? Why can't I sleep in and know that there's nothing that requires me putting 110% of myself into, other than myself? Why did I have to grow up so fast and make a choice that I was far too naive and young to make?


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Planned Adventures

Kody and I have a trip planned to go to Sydney in September for his sisters wedding. Our flights and accommodation were paid for months ago and I've saved a couple hundred so far, thank lord yeezus! Although we're only there for a couple days, I have so much planned. Once we arrive on the friday night, we're going straight out to Darling Harbour with his family to celebrate his sister's last day of not being a bride. Once we get back to the hotel I plan to explore all the fitness/ swimming options and check out the view from the roof.

Saturday is the wedding day! I plan to get up super early and do a little shopping on Oxford street and grav some lunch. The ceremony is sometime in the afternoon. We have to catch a ferry to get there and it goes under the Harbour Bridge so that'll be cool. In between the ceremony and reception, Kody and I are having a cute date at Ladurée, a french macaron and tea shop.

The reception  is being held at the hotel that we're staying at, which is very convenient for us. I can't wait for the food! It's going to be a nice night. After the reception I assume that Kody and I will make use of the hotel's facilities; room service and sauna! Sunday will be my designated shopping day. Hopefully I don't blow all my money before then or it'll be a very uneventful day until our flight! Haha.


Friday, May 24, 2013

Something that I need to live by more often

Howdy howdy howdy!

It's officially less than 2 months until my 19 birthday, YAYAYAYAYAYAY.
I can't wait to see what goodies Kody has gotten for me (although I already know, I picked them haha). I'M JUST SO EXCITED! I'm finally going to get another tattoo, I plan on getting a Fall Out Boy dedication (I can't think of the word I want to use so dedication it is haha).


(yep I'm lame)
(still lame)

Love, J :)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy 1st of May!

So I decided that it's time to talk about a subject a little deeper than beauty products, with the topic being really close to my heart. The topic is having someone close to you that struggles with an illness, and in my situation, my boyfriend has type 1 diabetes.

 I've never read a post from someone close to someone who has type 1 diabetes and how it effects their life as well (which trust me, it really really does) which is weird because I've had Blogspot and Tumblr for about 4 years. Having someone you love suffer from such a harsh illness is exhausting. I've endured many trips to the hospital to watch Kody be jabbed with needles nonstop, I've had to sit with him in the bathroom while he cries because he always has trouble throwing up while in a hyper, I've had to wake up in the middle of the night because I could smell a hyper coming on and try to force him to get up and take care of himself. It's draining. Half the time I feel like his mother because it's so hard for someone with type 1 diabetes to take care of themselves all day, everyday without any help. And it hurts so much when people say that Kody is too lazy with taking care of himself and that if he tried more he wouldn't have so many issues with it. It hurts even more when I know that in some ways, they are right.

It kills me when he insists on eating like every other boy his age because I can see the denial in his eyes. He just wants to be like everybody else. Health is one of the most unappreciated things in life, even for those who need it more than others. There is no special frame of mind given to those who suffer with illness, they know no better than you or I. They don't magically forget that while they have to stab themselves with needles for that KFC they just ate that millions of other people get to just get up and go. How is that fair? Why should anyone have to go through that? It's hard, it really is.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I haven't slept, I haven't done homework, I haven't cleaned, and I haven't gone to uni. I did my makeup and hair though so that's good of me :)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

I just spent all my money on Michael Todd True Organics skin care regimen and not a single fuck was given except for a couple like what am I gonna eat for the next week and how am I going to pay my bills but other than that no fucks were given so

Monday, April 22, 2013

This is my sorry not sorry for completing 0 homework look.

I got my real techniques brushes in the mail!

They're so pretty!

All the brushes are significantly smaller than I'd hoped so I think I'll be using them for touch ups more than every day appliance. 

Using my Ecotools foundation brush to show how tiny the real techniques foundation brush is~~

Quite a big difference!

Overall, I'm quite happy with the real techniques brushes. I'm yet to use them, but from playing around with them I can tell that they're really soft and will be a great travel kit when need be. Now, the cruel wait for my Bobbi Brown brushes commences...

With love, J x
Sometimes I don't know why I've gotten myself into certain situations and why I'm living this life. I really don't.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

My boyfriend Kody and I on our 18 month anniversary in January! :)

Kody and I met just over 2 years ago. I don't remember him (opps) but he remembers being introduced to me by a mutual friend. A month later we met again and begun our friendship. We were friends for about 6 months before we realised what we were looking for was right before us, in each other. Only 7 months after we got together, Kody moved 3 hours away to start his first year in university. We battled long distance for an entire year before I moved up to Adelaide to be with him and to start my first year of university. Our relationship has grown so strong and I'm so proud of who he's become. Kody was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when he was 12 years old. He used to struggle a great deal with it but he's getting much better with balancing his life out and being responsible. He's one of the strongest people I know and I'm going to stop here to go cuddle him on the lounge :)

Love, J x

The dishes haven't been done, homework hasn't been completed, the house hasn't been cleaned, but I don't even care, today is a beautiful day!

I (kind of) recently got a house with my boyfriend and it's right near the beach, I love it :) here's some pics I took today, post rain!

There's cat foot prints in the concrete in our backyard, so cute!

The view is amazing!

Our backyard :)

Kody's sick today :(

Love, J :)