Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Happy one month, kid!

Hey little one! You have me crazy bloated almost everyday. For the most part you let me know that you're still there by supplying me with constant cramping and sore boobies, but lately my bloating is going down and my pains are only there every now and then. You're kind of worrying me if I'm honest. I'm really hoping that my body is just getting used to all these hormones and that you're not going anywhere. I guess I'll find out at my doctor's appointment on Friday, a day before I'll be 6 weeks pregnant with you. Please be there.

Recently your Aunty Kim came over with all of her pregnancy books. Inside one of them she has written her children's names and days of birth. She said that when you come, you can go in the book too, which meant a lot to me. I really can't wait to put you in there, kiddo.

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