Saturday, April 13, 2013

I'm skipping introductions and jumping right into this head first. My goals in having this blog include:
  • dribbling word dribble here rather than any other social networking site that has minimum eighty care factor
  • keeping track of deep thoughts, tired daydreams, hopeful ideas and irreplaceable memories
  • challenging myself with putting my inner thoughts to paper (well, keyboard)
  • maintaining a sense of self in this crazy world of interwebs 
Welppp, that just about covers that.

To really start this off, here's yet another list (yes, I'm one of those people) about things on my mind lately
  • mid semester break is finally here! I'm oh so happy to have some time to mysel- wait, what's that? I have no time to myself? Why could that be? Oh, just because I have 3 assignments, 1 take home exam, 4 topics worth of readings, 3 topics worth of catching up on lectures and tutorials and 2 quizzes needed to be done by the end of this 'break'. Aw man.
  • Holy moley, I have no idea what to do with my Community Justice and Policy essay that's due in a few days
  • Heck yes, my take home exam for Legal Studies looks quite easy and plays to my strengths
  • Although I'm nervous, I can't wait to find the time to get stuck into my Philosophy essay on the Problem of Evil
  • I hate Crime and Criminology. WHY DID I CHOSE THIS AS A MAJOR!?!?!?
And once again, that just about covers that. I feel better now.

Until next time, J x

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