Friday, May 24, 2013

Something that I need to live by more often

Howdy howdy howdy!

It's officially less than 2 months until my 19 birthday, YAYAYAYAYAYAY.
I can't wait to see what goodies Kody has gotten for me (although I already know, I picked them haha). I'M JUST SO EXCITED! I'm finally going to get another tattoo, I plan on getting a Fall Out Boy dedication (I can't think of the word I want to use so dedication it is haha).


(yep I'm lame)
(still lame)

Love, J :)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy 1st of May!

So I decided that it's time to talk about a subject a little deeper than beauty products, with the topic being really close to my heart. The topic is having someone close to you that struggles with an illness, and in my situation, my boyfriend has type 1 diabetes.

 I've never read a post from someone close to someone who has type 1 diabetes and how it effects their life as well (which trust me, it really really does) which is weird because I've had Blogspot and Tumblr for about 4 years. Having someone you love suffer from such a harsh illness is exhausting. I've endured many trips to the hospital to watch Kody be jabbed with needles nonstop, I've had to sit with him in the bathroom while he cries because he always has trouble throwing up while in a hyper, I've had to wake up in the middle of the night because I could smell a hyper coming on and try to force him to get up and take care of himself. It's draining. Half the time I feel like his mother because it's so hard for someone with type 1 diabetes to take care of themselves all day, everyday without any help. And it hurts so much when people say that Kody is too lazy with taking care of himself and that if he tried more he wouldn't have so many issues with it. It hurts even more when I know that in some ways, they are right.

It kills me when he insists on eating like every other boy his age because I can see the denial in his eyes. He just wants to be like everybody else. Health is one of the most unappreciated things in life, even for those who need it more than others. There is no special frame of mind given to those who suffer with illness, they know no better than you or I. They don't magically forget that while they have to stab themselves with needles for that KFC they just ate that millions of other people get to just get up and go. How is that fair? Why should anyone have to go through that? It's hard, it really is.